Clans, Societies, Families, Clubs & Organizations.
Photo by Bob Harbison Photography
The Tacoma Games is a direct reflection of the community that supports, becomes involved with, and participates in the annual event. Below is a list of the Clans, Societies, Families, Clubs and Organizations that participate in the Tacoma Highland Games.
Clans, Societies & Families
Chisholm Society - U.S. Branch
“Feros Ferio”
I am fierce with the fierce
“Virtue Mine Honour”
"Virtutis Gloria Merces”
Glory is the reward of valour
"Jamais arrière”
Never Behind
”S Rioghal Mo Dhream”
Royal is my Race
Clan Johnston/e in America
“Nunquam non Paratus”
Never Unprepared, Ever Ready
Clan Graham Society
“Rioghail agus Maraon”
Loyal and United
Stand Fast
This I’ll Defend
“Creag an Tuirc”
The boar’s rock
Clan Donald USA, N. Pacific Region
"Per Mare Per Terras”
By Sea By Land
“Veritas Vincit”
Truth conquers
“Ni Mi e Ma’s Urrain Dhomh”
I shall do it if I can
Clan Macnachtan Association – Worldwide
“I Hoip In God”
I Hope In God
“ Reviresco ”
I grow strong again
“Vil God I Zal”
With Gods will, I shall
“Spem Successus Alit”
Success nourishes hope
Clubs & Organizations
Irish Wolfhound Club of Puget Sound
National Tartan Day Society of WA
Ord na Darach Gile, Circle of Coll, Bards of Caer Pugetia